Couchbase Server node add error

Error adding node

Master cluster currently has Root CA, Node Certificates

I want to add a new Node

Error msg : Warning: Adding a server to this cluster means any previous Couchbase Server data on that server will be removed. Attention: Prepare join failed. Failed to establish TLS connection to {unknown_ca, "TLS client: In state wait_cert_cr at ssl_handshake.erl:2082 generated CLIENT ALERT: Fatal - Unknown CA\n"}

Looks like the problem is stemming from the TLS configuration of the node you’re trying to join. Just to confirm, have you enabled node-to-node encryption and setup your own certificate and CA?

Configure Server Certificates | Couchbase Docs I made a certificate by referring to the site.

I copied and created the same CA as the current cluster on server 131 and I get an error, is there any other way?

Same CA.
Node-to-node encryption was applied only to the 137 server

Current cluster :

Nodes to be added :

@bellpumpkin I’ve been advised to ask you to open a support ticket since diagnosing these certificate issues will require gathering logs.

Feel free to DM me the ticket ID and I can follow up on it on our end.

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