Couchbase Lite Swift 4.2


c’est la première fois que j’utilise couchbase (lite en swift) et j’aimerai savoir comment configurer le fichier sync-gateway-config pour :

  • modifier le(s) contenue(s) d’un (des) document(s) SUR LE SERVEUR et faire un pull du côté mobile (iOS) pour voir la modification
  • supprimer un(des) document(s) SUR LE SERVEUR et faire un pull du côté mobile (iOS) pour vérifier que ce(s) document(s) a(ont) été bien supprimé(s)

Merci :slight_smile:

@nakay Are these the questions you are asking?


this is the first time i’m using couchbase (lite en swift) and i would like to know how to configure the sync-gateway-config file for:

modify the content (s) of the document (s) ON THE SERVER and make a pull on the mobile side (iOS) to see the modification
remove document (s) ON THE SERVER and make a pull on the mobile side (iOS) to verify that this document (s) has been deleted (s)

Please clarify

@nakay, you can use any simple config by having following config enabled on sg config.
“enable_shared_bucket_access”: true . and . “import_docs”: “continuous”.

Providing sample config to get an idea, but make sure you modify the config based on the db, user name you create.

“adminInterface”: “”,
“compressResponses”: false,
“databases”: {
“db”: {
“bucket”: “data-bucket”,
“enable_shared_bucket_access”: true,
“num_index_replicas”: 0,
“password”: “password”,
“server”: “”,
“username”: “data-bucket”
“interface”: “:4984”,
“logging”: {
“debug”: {
“enabled”: true
“maxCouchbaseConnections”: 16,
“maxFileDescriptors”: 90000,
“maxIncomingConnections”: 0,
“slowServerCallWarningThreshold”: 500

yes that it my question :blush:
can you help me

Hi @sridevi.saragadam
thanks for you help,
but where i put this line : “import_docs”: “continuous” in the sync-gateway-config.json
Thanks :blush:

@nakay, under databases, your db key. sample config shows where to add