Couchbase.lite-net Unity iOS - Spaceshooter - Crash with SIGSEGV

Hi everyone,

I have tried to run the space-shooter app ( for Unity and it works fine when ran from the editor on Windows 10 and MacOSX but crashes when installed on my iPads (iOS).

Here are the things I have tried:

  • Downgrading to Unity 5.1.2f3 (this one is the recommended version for the space-shooter project)
  • Deploying the application on iPad of different memory capacity
  • Upgrading the Couchbase Lite for Unity set of sources with the latests available on the Couchbase website (unity_v1.0-beta3).

Investigation shows that the program crashes on Couchbase Lite APIs specific calls only. After deactivating all the Couchbase Lite specific calls, the original space-shooter program works fine.
Calls like:

    var pull = db.CreatePullReplication(SYNC_URL);
    pull.Start(); // Crash

Is this because Couchbase lite for Unity is still in beta? Or is it already supposed to work?

I am using Xcode 8.2.1, tried 10.3 too.

If that helps I am leaving here the back trace.
Thanks a lot for your assistance!

  • thread #1: tid = 0x122aa, 0x1d591acc libsystem_kernel.dylib__pthread_kill + 8, queue = '', stop reason = signal SIGSEGV frame #0: 0x1d591acc libsystem_kernel.dylib__pthread_kill + 8
    frame #1: 0x1d64a0f6 libsystem_pthread.dylibpthread_kill + 62 frame #2: 0x1d4f785e libsystem_c.dylibraise + 16
    frame #3: 0x02557840 SpacesShooterTestg_logv + 164 frame #4: 0x02557868 SpacesShooterTestg_log + 32
    frame #5: 0x0245f670 SpacesShooterTestget_numerous_trampoline + 372 frame #6: 0x0245fc3c SpacesShooterTestmono_aot_get_imt_thunk + 64
    frame #7: 0x024fd084 SpacesShooterTestinitialize_imt_slot + 116 frame #8: 0x024fdf3c SpacesShooterTestbuild_imt_slots + 684
    frame #9: 0x024fe124 SpacesShooterTestmono_vtable_build_imt_slot + 264 frame #10: 0x0246e1e0 SpacesShooterTestmono_convert_imt_slot_to_vtable_slot + 240
    frame #11: 0x0246bc4c SpacesShooterTestmono_magic_trampoline + 792 frame #12: 0x01975d88 SpacesShooterTestgeneric_trampoline_0 + 120
    • frame #13: 0x008a6884 SpacesShooterTestm_System_Net_Http_Headers_HttpHeaders_Add_string_System_Collections_Generic_IEnumerable_1_string + 88 at System.Net.Http.Net35.dll.s:5158 frame #14: 0x0008b76c SpacesShooterTestm_Couchbase_Lite_Replication_SendAsyncRequest_System_Net_Http_HttpMethod_System_Uri_object_Couchbase_Lite_Support_RemoteRequestCompletionBlock_System_Threading_CancellationTokenSource + 340 at Couchbase.Lite.dll.s:10293
      frame #15: 0x0008b4dc SpacesShooterTestm_Couchbase_Lite_Replication_SendAsyncRequest_System_Net_Http_HttpMethod_string_object_Couchbase_Lite_Support_RemoteRequestCompletionBlock_System_Threading_CancellationTokenSource + 168 at Couchbase.Lite.dll.s:10203 frame #16: 0x0008a8c4 SpacesShooterTestm_Couchbase_Lite_Replication_FetchRemoteCheckpointDoc + 324 at Couchbase.Lite.dll.s:9791
      frame #17: 0x0008a448 SpacesShooterTestm_Couchbase_Lite_Replication_CheckSession + 124 at Couchbase.Lite.dll.s:9633 frame #18: 0x0008e6b8 SpacesShooterTestm_Couchbase_Lite_Replication_Start + 400 at Couchbase.Lite.dll.s:11800
      frame #19: 0x00074588 SpacesShooterTestm_GameController__Startc__Iterator4_MoveNext + 260 at Assembly-CSharp.dll.s:1995 frame #20: 0x018cdf14 SpacesShooterTestm_46b5 + 204 at mscorlib.dll.s:367212
      frame #21: 0x0245a1d4 SpacesShooterTestmono_jit_runtime_invoke + 2156 frame #22: 0x024fc6a4 SpacesShooterTestmono_runtime_invoke + 136
      frame #23: 0x01ca0d90 SpacesShooterTest::Invoke() + 48 at ScriptingInvocation.cpp:130 [opt] frame #24: 0x01ca0cac SpacesShooterTest::Invoke() + 32 at ScriptingInvocation.cpp:80 [opt]
      frame #25: 0x01c95498 SpacesShooterTest::InvokeMoveNext() + 84 at Coroutine.cpp:201 [opt] frame #26: 0x01c951c0 SpacesShooterTest::Run() + 48 at Coroutine.cpp:226 [opt]
      frame #27: 0x01c9728c SpacesShooterTest::CreateCoroutine() + 292 at MonoBehaviour.cpp:770 [opt] frame #28: 0x01c97640 SpacesShooterTest::HandleCoroutineReturnValue() + 100 at MonoBehaviour.cpp:825 [opt]
      frame #29: 0x01c97d38 SpacesShooterTest::InvokeMethodOrCoroutineChecked() + 116 at MonoBehaviour.cpp:929 [opt] frame #30: 0x01c96aa8 SpacesShooterTest::DelayedStartCall() [inlined] Start + 108 at MonoBehaviour.cpp:552 [opt]
      frame #31: 0x01c96a4c SpacesShooterTest::DelayedStartCall() + 16 at MonoBehaviour.cpp:1297 [opt] frame #32: 0x01b8f958 SpacesShooterTest::Update() + 744 at CallDelayed.cpp:178 [opt]
      frame #33: 0x01c4b674 SpacesShooterTest::PlayerLoop() + 560 at Player.cpp:1722 [opt] frame #34: 0x01a0f704 SpacesShooterTest::UnityPlayerLoopImpl() + 20 at [opt]
      frame #35: 0x00048e7c SpacesShooterTest::UnityRepaint() + 60 at frame #36: 0x00068f8c SpacesShooterTest::-UnityAppController(self=0x14e2e460, _cmd=“showGameUI”) showGameUI + 504 at
      frame #37: 0x00062140 SpacesShooterTest::-[UnityAppController startUnity:](self=0x14e2e460, _cmd="startUnity:", application=0x14e43830) + 652 at frame #38: 0x1e6f602e Foundation__NSFireDelayedPerform + 458
      frame #39: 0x1dd80636 CoreFoundation__CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_TIMER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 14 frame #40: 0x1dd80338 CoreFoundation__CFRunLoopDoTimer + 832
      frame #41: 0x1dd7fd36 CoreFoundation__CFRunLoopDoTimers + 188 frame #42: 0x1dd7ddd4 CoreFoundation__CFRunLoopRun + 780
      frame #43: 0x1dcd10ee CoreFoundationCFRunLoopRunSpecific + 470 frame #44: 0x1dcd0f10 CoreFoundationCFRunLoopRunInMode + 104
      frame #45: 0x1f47bb40 GraphicsServicesGSEventRunModal + 80 frame #46: 0x2304fe82 UIKitUIApplicationMain + 150
      frame #47: 0x00038e74 SpacesShooterTestmain(argc=1, argv=0x05eeba08) + 244 at frame #48: 0x1d4be4ea libdyld.dylibstart + 2

Obviously it worked the last time I checked, but actually support for Unity3D is on hold until at least after they upgrade their .NET profile so I haven’t touched it in probably a year or so and it is still based off of v1.1.1 which reached its end of life months ago. It was too much of a time sink to maintain the library for such an old runtime.


Thanks for your answer!
I see that the upgrade of the .NET profile should come with Unity 2017.1, target release around July 2017!
So it should be coming very soon!

We’ll be patient then.