Couchbase Container Error

Hi All,

I am creating on CB container with help of below command and it created container with out any error. But we are unable to open CB UI instead of showing login prompt it is showing CB initialization screen. Even if we are unable to login through cbq utility. Could you please let us know where to check why login screen not showing.

docker run --restart unless-stopped -d --cpus=“2” --memory=“4g” -v /root:/root/tmp/ -v /u03/dev_om_robin:/opt/couchbase/var --name dev_om_robin -p xx.xx.xx.xx:8091-8096:8091-8096 -p xx.xx.xx.xx:9100-9105:9100-9105 -p xx.xx.xx.xx:11210-11211:11210-11211

root@5a57a76284e2:/# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbq -e http://localhost:8091 -u cbadmin -p cbadmin

  • ERROR 100 : N1QL: Connection failure Requested resource not found.*


But we are unable to open CB UI instead of showing login prompt it is showing CB initialization screen.

Yes. So initialize a cb cluster.

Even if we are unable to login through cbq utility.

Because you haven’t initialized the cluster.

Thanks @mreiche for the response. It is already a running cluster . The issue was that previously it was mounted over /u01, since /u01 was not able to mount so same data is copied to mount /u03 so it should not require initialization one more time. Please correct me if I am wrong.


@mreiche Actually it was previously running cluster with volume path “/u01/dev_om_robin” . Since the volume /u01 got corrupted so the OS team copied those folder to /u03 mount point and I trying to recreate container with “/u03/dev_om_robin” volume path. So after recreating it is only showing CB initialization screen instead of login screen. Please advise how to overcome this issue.


So after recreating it is only showing CB initialization screen instead of login screen

Seems it was not recreated correctly. Create a new cluster using the web UI

You may want to consider this: GitHub - brantburnett/couchbasefakeit: Docker scripts for a base Couchbase Server image for testing/development, with support for fakeit for data generation

Or using Test Containers Couchbase Module - Testcontainers for Java

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