Couchbase configuration for play framework


  What should be the couchbase configuration for scala in play framework

Hey @an.sowmya,

(For context, I work on the Couchbase SDKs, so I can help you out with general Couchbase configuration, but I don’t think there’s many on this forum, including myself, that know a whole lot about Play framework.)

That said, I wouldn’t think you need to do anything Play-specific for the Couchbase configuration. I saw in another of your posts that you’re successfully using the Java Couchbase SDK to connect to Couchbase and get a document, so it looks like you’re up and running. The default configuration should be fine for most use-cases, but feel free to check out the tunable settings.

Or was your question more to do with hardware, e.g. number of nodes, RAM/CPU/IO, network?

Hi @graham.pople,

I had doubt in config file ,but now it is clear , the application is running

Thank you