Assertion failed in ../deps/lcb/src/mcserver/ at line 50

I am using ECS service of AWS. I am using nest js application. We have couchbase database which is installed in EC2 instance. At the time of server up we fetch full data from couchbase by use of N1QL query.

whenever i create task of ECS it will converted into Deprovisioning status.

I added error message which is available in my docker container logs of ECS tasks.

    libcouchbase experienced an unrecoverable error and terminates the program
    to avoid undefined behavior.
    The program should have generated a "corefile" which may used
    to gather more information about the problem.
    If your system doesn't create "corefiles" I can tell you that the
    assertion failed in ../deps/lcb/src/mcserver/ at line 50
Aborted (core dumped)

How can i solved this issue?

Another customer had this issue and "they were actually re-connecting to the cluster on every request (invoking couchbase.connect() and creating a new cluster object).

This explains the strain on both memory and network connections."

If you are re-creating connections, only create one connection and reuse it.

Also " The fatal error that was occurring here I believe was due to either JSCBC-881 or JSCBC-884 which were fixed in 3.1.3."

So try using 3.1.3 or later.

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