Application connexion to couchbase acces only to 1 bucket over 8


My website had to acces to couchbase to have all datas
My couchbase has 8 buckets all replicated by XDCR on 3 serveurs A B C
A is duplicated on B and C
B is duplicated on A and C
C is duplicated on A and B

My site web is on the serveur A
Currently my website is connected on couchbase B without any problem, all datas in all buckets are loaded on the website

I want to connect my website on couchbase A (same serveur as the website) but when I do that I only have acces at the first bucket, not at the other 7 buckets at all

How is that possible ? Does anybody already seen this case of pbm ? Can you help me ?
I use
Couchbase Community Edition 6.0.0 build 1693 ‧ IPv4
Application console .NET Core 3.1 and Angular 12.1.0
Nuggets CouchbaseNetClient 2.6.0, Linq2Couchbase 1.41, Couchbase.Extensions.Encryption1.0.0,Couchbase.Extensions.DependencyInjection 2.0.2
Thanks a lot for any help

What does this mean? Do all 8 buckets appear in the web console for for couchbase A?
How are you determining that the other 7 buckets are not accessible? Is there an error message?

If you have A duplicated(replicated?) on B and C, what does “B is duplicated(replicated) on A and C” mean? Because A replicated on B and then B replicated on A is cyclic.

All 8 buckets appear on couchbase but when I try to get data from my application I can’t

When I ask couchbase B from my application
with SELECT CatalogOffer.* FROM CatalogOffer WHERE SPLIT(meta().id,‘::’)[0] = ‘OfferCatalog’
here is the result : ClientContextId: 9::10Message: and I get all datas

When I ask couchbase A from my application
with SELECT CatalogOffer.* FROM CatalogOffer WHERE SPLIT(meta().id,‘::’)[0] = ‘OfferCatalog’
here is the result : ClientContextId: Message: The Query request failed, check Error and Exception fields for details

except with bucket Argos

Regarding replication you’re right it’s cyclic

I just update my application and find out the Administrator login/password since I do not have the problem anymore

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