Announcing Couchbase Mobile 2.0 Beta

Happy to announce the release of Couchbase Mobile 2.0 Beta which includes beta releases of Couchbase Lite 2.0 and Sync Gateway 2.0. The Beta release is a culmination of a series of incremental, Developer Preview releases over the past several months.

The Couchbase Lite 2.0 Beta (DB022) release is available for iOS(Swift, ObjC), .NET (UWP, Xamarin) and Android platforms .

NOTE that Couchbase Lite 2.0 clients require Sync Gateway 2.0. Please refer to the Compatibility matrix for details on the same.

You can download the latest Beta Builds of Couchbase Lite and Sync Gateway from our Downloads page under “Pre-Release” versions :

Links to platform specific release notes -

Sample Apps :


About Couchbase Mobile 2.0:

Couchbase Mobile 2.0 is a groundbreaking new release for Couchbase Mobile. Key enhancements include a new and improved Query API with Full-Text search capabilities, re-architected cross-platform common core, automatic conflict resolution and a new websockets based replication protocol.

About Beta Builds:

Beta release is a way for you to test the latest functionality of a release before it is generally available. These will eventually become production releases with full support when they are stable and features are complete.



Is the db022 the 2.0beta? I can’t see any reference in NuGet packages, not even in the couchbase developer source…

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Yes it is. Sorry this isn’t clearer. The GitHub release page is marked as such unless I forgot to publish it…

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I’ve edited the announcement to clarify the same.

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