XDCR Sync Status

Hi Team,

We had requirement that, how to configure alerts in case the the site A is out of sync from site B. We checked in alert section under settings but there is no predefined module.
Could you please help us how to configure the same.


What’s the definition of “out of sync”?
There is an xdcr differ tool GitHub - couchbaselabs/xdcrDiffer: Diffing tool used to confirm data consistency between XDCR clusters

The out of sync means site A data is not sync with site B. For example suppose due to network latency site A data modifications is not applied to site B . In this case if user connected to site B will get older data. In this case how we can identify the lag from site B to site A.


xdcr is asynchronous, so whenever there is a mutation, it will always be “out-of-sync” at least momentarily, and a chance that that the same document on the two clusters is different. Also xdcr is one-way (unless you have also defined a second xdcr in the opposite direction) so mutations on the non-driving cluster will also result in the clusters being out-of-sync

Thanks @mreiche for response. Can we get to know how much time site B lag behind site A. Is there anyway to get these info. Second thing customer is asking for can we set any kind of alert that site B is lag behind these many hours or mins from site A.


When I Google for xdcr lag I find - XDCR replication rate

Google for xdcr lag alert couchbase I find Developer Portal | Couchbase