Xdcr on-premise to docker

sorry i totally missed that trying to respond quickly

I will run again


to setup my docker i used (from the couchbase blog)

docker run -d --name cb-server --network cbnetwork -p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 11210:11210 couchbase/server

Thanks. This looks fine now.
I’ll prob need you to zip up the goxdcr.log file from your on-prem couchbase log directory and upload it here.

here it is, thank you

goxdcr.zip (2.1 MB)

Are you using Windows on the On-prem installation by any chance?

From your on-prem, if you can connect to the http://:8091, and yet XDCR can’t, then it looks familiar to what is mentioned in the above post.

yes on-prem is Windows VM server

WOW that post has 11 answers and many possible solutions.

I have looked into firewall but not sure what to do there?

Any ideas where to start.

Thank you so much for you help

Unfortunately I don’t have access to a Windows machine and it’ll take time to get one for me to try it out. I’m not very familiar with Windows set up. I’d say see if you can find a web.config somewhere in the Couchbase installation and start there.

@neilhuang One thing I realized is that I can add a doc from an app to the server and replicate/sync (app and server) bi-directionally.
But existing docs on the server do not sync out to the app.

Is this related do you think?