Whats the difference bewteen these two queries and why one works and the ohter not?


I am learning n1ql and I am asking myself why one querie works and the other not.

This works:

  FROM purchases p INNER JOIN customer c ON (p.customerId = META(c).id)
    LIMIT 1

This not works:


FROM customer c

INNER JOIN purchases p ON (p.customerId = META(c).id)


500: Internal Server Error

"requestID": "6d60aa7e-015d-4f14-86af-22579886fd3a",
"errors": [{"code":4330,"msg":"No index available for ANSI join term p"}],
"status": "fatal",
"metrics": {"elapsedTime": "17.388644ms","executionTime": "17.283306ms","resultCount": 0,"resultSize": 0,"serviceLoad": 25,"errorCount": 1}

The are different queries in that the first is driven off purchases (i.e. if there are no purchases, there will be no results even if there are customers); and the second is driven off customer - so there will be results if there are customers, but no purchases).
Both run for me without issue. What version of couchbase server do you have?

Also - if you get the message “No index available for …” then the Index Advisor will tell you which indexes need to be created, and how to created them.


I run the query here you can try it both works also for me but one gives me an index error and thats not my database I cant create indexes because its the tutorial site of couchbase

You can run the index advisor like this:

Advise SELECT c, p
FROM customer c
INNER JOIN purchases p ON (p.customerId = META(c).id)

Which will give the advice as shown below. But it won’t allow you to create the indexes as it is read-only.

  "results": [
      "#operator": "Advise",
      "advice": {
        "#operator": "IndexAdvice",
        "adviseinfo": {
          "current_indexes": [
              "index_statement": "CREATE PRIMARY INDEX #primary ON `customer`",
              "keyspace_alias": "customer_c"
          "recommended_indexes": {
            "indexes": [
                "index_statement": "CREATE INDEX adv_customerId ON `purchases`(`customerId`)",
                "keyspace_alias": "purchases_p",
                "recommending_rule": "Index keys follow order of predicate types: 9. non-static join predicate."
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btw - I think the issue you see in the sample server is Log in - Couchbase database. It says it is fixed in 7.0.4, and that sample server is apparently 7.0.0

SELECT version()

  "results": [
      "$1": "7.0.0-N1QL"
  FROM purchases p INNER JOIN customer c ON (p.customerId = META(c).id)
    LIMIT 1;

above case p is Joined with c’s document key. Optimizer detects this and avoid index and does KV lookup Join,.


FROM customer c

INNER JOIN purchases p ON (p.customerId = META(c).id)

In this left side has document key and right side is field in p which require index


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