WARNING: JSON error parsing _changes feed: lexical error: invalid char in json text


WARNING: JSON error parsing _changes feed: lexical error: invalid char in json text.

I am getting tons of messages like these in the Xcode console. I am running Couchbase-lite v.1.2 on iOS and the remote server is a CouchDB 1.6.0.

It also seems that I don’t get notified of changes.

Thank you,
Francois Magnan

I am seeing the same issue using the same version of couch base lite and couchdb.

If I run the CouchDB query using curl, the response is valid JSON containing two newline characters which the parser should ignore, IMO, since they are just whitespace.

I also see a JSON parse error for trailing garbage that again is likely the trailing newline character after the closing brace–again, it is valid JSON.

One might argue that CouchDB should not include these newlines, however, there is perhaps a problem with the parser not handling newlines properly.

There is another parse error shown occasionally in the _changes feed: after array element, I expect ‘,’ or ‘]’ .

After testing some more, I found another parse error. So, the issue could be that the parser is parsing incomplete JSON responses thus causing the failures.

Here is the complete list of errors observed so far:
WARNING: JSON error parsing _changes feed: lexical error: invalid char in json text.
WARNING: JSON error parsing _changes feed: parse error: after array element, I expect ‘,’ or ‘]‘
WARNING: JSON error parsing _changes feed: parse error: object key and value must be separated by a colon (’:’)
WARNING: JSON error parsing _changes feed: parse error: trailing garbage

It appears that parsing fails with the following response:



Can someone suggest a work-around for these issues?

Is a parser or database sync fix in the works?