Using Join for Where clause

Hi all,
I have been working on a project where I have two different types of documents in the same bucket named X.
The first document type is zone with following JSON fields:(Document key: Zone_id)

id: ,

The second document is rule which is associated with zone:(Document key:Rule_id)

zoneId:(to associate it with a particular zone)

I want to get the rules for each zone while getting all zones.

So my output would look something like this:



Any idea on how I can do that?

CREATE INDEX ix1 ON default(zoneName) WHERE type ="zone";
CREATE INDEX ix2 ON default("Zone_"||zoneId) ;

SELECT  RAW {zone.zoneName: rules}
FROM default AS zone
NEST default AS rules ON KEY "Zone_"||rules.zoneId FOR zone
WHERE zone.type = "zone";

SELECT  zone.zoneName, ARRAY_AGG(rules) AS rules
FROM default AS zone
JOIN default AS rules ON KEY rules.zoneId FOR zone
WHERE zone.type = "zone"
GROUP BY zone.zoneName;

Also use ANI JOINs in 5.50

Hi @vsr1, tried with the queries you have posted. However, both of them are returning me an empty array when I have records in my bucket.

This is the output I’m getting:
“results”: []

Am I missing something?
I have Couchbase 5.1.1 on my cloud.

I tried the same with left outer join to check whether its returning me any zone

SELECT zone.zoneName, ARRAY_AGG(rules) AS rules
FROM default AS zone
LEFT OUTER JOIN default as rules ON KEY rules.zoneId For zone
WHERE zone.type = “zone”
GROUP BY zone.zoneName;

Im getting the foll output:-
“rules”: null,
“zoneName”: “14_Sept_Zone”
“rules”: null,
“zoneName”: “chan”
“rules”: null,
“zoneName”: “WelcomeBanner”
“rules”: null,
“zoneName”: “City Cool Banner”
“rules”: null,
“zoneName”: “Hello”
“rules”: null,
“zoneName”: “hello1”

Its unable to retrieve the rules though

Post sample documents with corresponding document keys. It looks like you don’t have relation.
Is META(zone).id is same as rules.ZoneId? If not you get above results.

My document key for zone is like “Zone_1234”
Here are a few sample documents :

“id”: “1234”,
“zoneName”: “WelcomeBanner”,
“registrationId”: “zone1”,
“description”: “zone”,

“id”: “ZsOwNdShBGgGmyeJ”,
“channelTenantId”: “0oLaKIYx”,
“orgId”: “abcd1234”,
“priority”: 1,
“name”: “RuleAbc”,
“zoneId”: “1234”,

Updated post 2. Try query and index on post to 2

Worked wonders. Thank you :slight_smile: