UNNEST not picking up the index

Here is my document structure

“type”: “prcsque”,
“queId”: “1234567899”,
“reqId”: “KYCEII01”,
“msgs”: [
“msgKeyId”: “UPDATE-ID-DETAILS000000000000003”,
“emailSentIn”: true,
“emailSentTs”: “2018-09-14T14:42:54+05:30”,
“sbnrSLATs”: “2018-09-14T15:42:54+05:30”,
“sbnrStaCd”: “pending”,
“msgKeyId”: “3174789500AGDMI002”,
“emailSentIn”: true,
“emailSentTs”: “2018-09-14T14:42:54+05:30”,
“sbnrSLATs”: “2018-11-22T03:53:52-07:00”,
“sbnrStaCd”: “completed”,

I have an index defined as

CREATE INDEX bnc_idx3 ON bnc(ALL ARRAY {m.sbnrStaCd, m.sbnrSLATs} FOR m IN msgs END) WHERE type = “prcsque” WITH { “defer_build”:true, “num_replica”:1 };

and another index defined as

CREATE INDEX bnc_type ON bnc(type) WITH { “defer_build”:true, “num_replica”:1 };

However when I execute the following query

SELECT b.queId, m.msgKeyId, m.sbnrStaCd FROM bnc b UNNEST b.msgs m WHERE b.type= “prcsque” AND m.sbnrStaCd = “pending” AND m.sbnrSLATs < “2018-09-14T16:42:54+05:30”

it is not picking up the bnc_idx3 index alone instead it is doing an intersect scan of bnc_idx3 and bnc_type…

May I know the reason for this… And also if there is an alternate way to define the query or the index to avoid intersect index scans

Your ARRAY Index key is OBJECT. Query must have object has predicate not individual elements of OBJECT.

CREATE INDEX  `bnc_idx3`  ON  `bnc` (ALL ARRAY [m.sbnrStaCd, m.sbnrSLATs ] FOR m IN msgs END) WHERE type = "prcsque";

SELECT b.queId, m.msgKeyId, m.sbnrStaCd 
FROM bnc AS  b  USE INDEX (bnc_idx3)
UNNEST b.msgs  AS m 
WHERE b.type= "prcsque" AND m.sbnrStaCd = "pending" AND m.sbnrSLATs  < "2018-09-14T16:42:54+05:30"
                   AND [m.sbnrStaCd,m.sbnrSLATs] BETWEEN ["pending"] AND  ["pending", "2018-09-14T16:42:54+05:30"];

Nope… thats not working… Can you advise how to redefine the index and the query?

Try index and query and previous post