Unable to connect to couchbase in a server from Spring boot

So I’ve a spring boot application that connects to a couchbase (v5.1) locally without a problem. I replicated the same bucket name and created a user with the same name as the bucket name in the couchbase(v5.0) in the server. All I did was change spring.couchbase.bootstrap-hosts=localhost to spring.couchbase.bootstrap-hosts=serverIP in Application.properties, and now it does not connect and I get “DNS reverse lookup is slow” and “Failed to submit a listener notification task. Event loop shut down?” etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hi @deepashok, Can you check if the reverse dns lookups work for the IP? Or if you are using an environment where it is not possible to do reverse dns lookup, you can disable it by setting the system property “com.couchbase.allowReverseDns” to false (requires sdk version 2.4.6 or higher).