Sorting the field with empty value always at the bottom of the lists

Hi guys,

How will I sort the field with empty value always at the bottom of the lists?
When doing ORDERY BY [ASC | DESC].

// My query

SELECT meta().id, firstName, lastName, metadata 
FROM `bluebonnet` WHERE `type`='contact'
ORDER BY firstName ASC

// Query Results ORDER BY firstName ASC.

    "firstName": "",
    "id": "contact::01",
    "lastName": ""
    "firstName": "",
    "id": "contact::02",
    "lastName": ""
    "firstName": "Alice",
     "id": "contact::03",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "firstName": "John",
    "id": "contact::04",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "metadata": {
      "locationName": "location test"

// expected results something like this:.

    "firstName": "Alice",
     "id": "contact::03",
    "lastName": "Doe"
    "firstName": "John",
    "id": "contact::04",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "metadata": {
      "locationName": "location test"
    "firstName": "",
    "id": "contact::01",
    "lastName": ""
    "firstName": "",
    "id": "contact::02",
    "lastName": ""

Not just the firstName but, also sorting other fields.

Thanks :slight_smile:

DESC empty string always go to last of the string. ASC you can use one of the technique.

SELECT meta().id, firstName, lastName, metadata 
FROM `bluebonnet` WHERE `type`='contact'
ORDER BY CASE WHEN firstName = "" THEN [] ELSE firstName END  ASC,  
         CASE WHEN lastName = "" THEN [] ELSE lastName END  ASC

If you are using 6.5+ You can try following too.

SELECT meta().id, firstName, lastName, metadata 
FROM `bluebonnet` 
WHERE `type`='contact'
ORDER BY DECODE(firstName, "", NULL, firstName) ASC NULLS LAST,
         DECODE(lastName, "", NULL, lastName) ASC NULLS LAST

To use Index order try following

CREATE INDEX ix1 ON bluebonnet( DECODE(firstName, "", [], firstName) , 
              DECODE(lastName, "", [], lastName) , 
              firstName, lastName, metadata )  WHERE type = "contact";

SELECT meta().id, firstName, lastName, metadata 
FROM `bluebonnet`
WHERE `type`='contact'  
        AND  DECODE(firstName, "", [], firstName) IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY DECODE(firstName, "", [], firstName) ASC,
          DECODE(lastName, "", [], lastName) ASC