Reactive couchbase issue content of this Observable (viewRow) is already released

I’m using spring-data-couchbase with reactive approach & getting below error.
The content of this Observable (viewRow) is already released. Subscribe earlier or tune the CouchbaseEnvironment#autoreleaseAfter()
default Flux findAssetByParameters(StringBuilder whereClause) {

WherePath selectFrom = N1qlUtils .createSelectFromForEntity(getCouchbaseOperations().getCouchbaseBucket().name());

Statement statement = selectFrom.where(whereClause.toString());

N1qlQuery query = N1qlQuery.simple(statement,; return ReactiveWrapperConverters .toWrapper(getCouchbaseOperations().findByN1QL(query, NonPrimitiveAsset.class), Flux.class);

Flux assetFlux = repository.findAssetByParameters(whereClause);
Mono assetsMono = assetFlux.collectList()

Have you tried the two suggestions in the message?

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