Querying Pipe separated fields

Our use case requires, controllers and category to be queried for any of the values that can be selected and below is the structure of controllers in CB.


For ex:

  1. I wan’t to view docs where controller is str1 AND ( cat1 OR cat2)
  2. I want to view docs where controller can be str1 OR str2 OR str3 OR …str1300

For now, the approach that we have followed uses below query:

 select * from default as t where (ANY v IN SPLIT(t.controllers, "|") SATISFIES LOWER(v) = "str1" END OR ANY v IN SPLIT(t.controllers, "|") SATISFIES LOWER(v) = "str2" END ) AND (ANY v IN SPLIT(t.category, "|") SATISFIES LOWER(v) = "cat1" )

And in this way, multiple OR conditions are getting appended for same field, AND condition for different fields.

Indexes -

CREATE INDEX idx_controllers ON default((distinct (array lower(v) for v in split(controllers, “|”) end))) WHERE (doc_type = “item”)

CREATE INDEX idx_category ON default((distinct (array lower(v) for v in split(category, “|”) end))) WHERE (doc_type = “item”)

Questions -

  1. Is this the right way/optimized way to do this ? Or we have better alternatives that we can look at ?
  2. Also, can’t index controllers and category in the same index bcz of Multiple expressions with ALL are found. Only one array expression is supported per index.

Note :

  1. Data is pipe separated

You can use IN clause, OR clause inside SATISIFIES.

LOWER(v) IN [ “str1”, “str2”,“str3” ]

Only single array index key is supported.