Query to retrieve and flatten array in results


I have written this query to get data based on requirement.

SELECT id, history FROM pure-ecs-cms d WHERE d.isStacked=true and d.type=“stock” and ARRAY_LENGTH(d.history) > 0

result -
“history”: [
“id”: “0e4ac5dd-24d1-438a-b1dc-5cdeb1ddb1a2”
“history”: [
“id”: “45ef0fdd-a3de-4984-ba29-0c4f777fc0b1”
“history”: [
“id”: “d2d09f0e-1d68-414f-b2c6-4c5669324a6d”

But I am trying to get result as
[{id1, history1}, {id1, history2}, {id2,history3}, {id3, history4}]

I want id and history as 1 object so that I can loop through each history id.
thank you!

SELECT d.id, h AS historyid
FROM `pure-ecs-cms` d 
UNNEST d.history AS h
WHERE d.isStacked=true and d.type=“stock” and ARRAY_LENGTH(d.history) > 0

I got only ids

“id”: “0e4ac5dd-24d1-438a-b1dc-5cdeb1ddb1a2”
“id”: “45ef0fdd-a3de-4984-ba29-0c4f777fc0b1”
“id”: “45ef0fdd-a3de-4984-ba29-0c4f777fc0b1”

how can I get
[{id,historyid}, {id,history}…]

    SELECT d.id, h AS historyid
    FROM `pure-ecs-cms` d 
    UNNEST d.history AS h
    WHERE d.isStacked=true and d.type=“stock” and ARRAY_LENGTH(d.history) > 0
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Thank you @vsr1 !
Marked this as solution!

@vsr1 I am trying this solution in the below query and getting error.

SELECT d.id,
h AS historyid
FROM pure-ecs-cms d
UNNEST d.history AS h
WHERE type=“page”
AND ARRAY_LENGTH(d.history) > 0
AND (d.isStack IS MISSING OR d.isStack <> TRUE)
AND (d.isschedul IS MISSING OR d.isschedul <> TRUE)
AND (d.sup=0 OR d.sup IS MISSING)
AND d.id NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT RAW k.iref FROM pure-ecs-history k WHERE k.type = “history”)

@PM789 ,

what is error?

WITH ahistory AS (SELECT DISTINCT RAW k.iref FROM `pure-ecs-history` k WHERE k.type = "history" AND k.iref IS NOT NULL)
SELECT d.id, h AS historyid
FROM `pure-ecs-cms` d
UNNEST d.history AS h
WHERE d.type = "page" AND ARRAY_LENGTH(d.history) > 0
      AND IFMISSING(d.isStack, false) != true
      AND IFMISSING(d.isschedul, false) != true
      AND IFMISSING(d.sup, 0) = 0
      AND d.id NOT IN ahistory;

This is what I am getting.

“code”: 3000,
“msg”: “Ambiguous reference to field type.”,
“query”: “WITH ahistory AS (SELECT DISTINCT RAW k.iRef FROM pure-ecs-history k WHERE k.type = “history” AND k.iRef IS NOT NULL)\nSELECT d.id,\n h as historyid \nFROM pure-ecs-cms d\nUNNEST d.history as h\nWHERE type=“page”\n AND ARRAY_LENGTH(d.history) > 0\n AND IFMISSING(d.isStack, false) != true\n AND IFMISSING(d.isschedul , false) != true\n AND IFMISSING(d.sup, 0 ) = 0\n AND d.id NOT IN ahistory”

change type to d.type

Thank you. It worked.