N1QL Query Timeout Issue : While Executing the query for one lakh records, getting Timeout issue

[ERROR] 05:07:36 org.talend.components.couchbase.source.CouchbaseInput- An error happened during the execution of the query.

[FATAL] 05:07:36 cdb.copy_cb_to_psql_preference_0_1.Copy_CB_TO_PSQL_PREFERENCE- tCouchbaseInput_2 [{" msg":“Timeout 1m15s exceeded”,“code”:1080 }]

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [{“msg”:“Timeout 1m15s exceeded”,“code”:1080}]

Please create right index https://index-advisor.couchbase.com/indexadvisor/#1
After that increase timeout or execute query in batches or use more restrictive filters

Facing the Same Issue, Indexes are already created in Source and is working.