MutableDocument are not accepting decimal values

I’m using CB Lite v2.8.6 on Xamarin and creating a mutable document and passing document Id and object of type Dictionary<string, object> if the object has some decimal value it is throwing the following error.

System.ArgumentException : Decimal is not a valid type. You may only pass byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, bool, DateTimeOffset, Blob,, Blob, a one-dimensional array or a dictionary whose members are one of the preceding types.

code: var doc = new MutableDocument(Id, valueProps);

It works if I convert the decimal values to a string or integer.

valueProps = new Dictionary<string, object>{ {"id": "abcd"}, {"abc": "12"}, {"xyz": {"type":"something","id":"jsf..93sd","issued":"2015-06-29","quantity":{"value":100.0,"unit":"lb",},}} }

^^^ This wouldn’t work as the “value” is 100.0 (decimal)
valueProps = new Dictionary<string, object>{ {"id": "abcd"}, {"abc": "12"}, {"xyz": {"type":"something","id":"jsf..93sd","issued":"2015-06-29","quantity":{"value":"100.0","unit":"lb",},}} }

^^^ This work as the “value” is “100.0” (string)

Can anyone help on. how I could fix this issue?

I think that the error message you are getting explains the problem pretty clearly. Decimal (the type of 100.0 in your example) is not a supported type.

I would expect you to use double: 100.0D

I don’t see anywhere in the documentation that it doesn’t accept decimal values. I want to be sure I’m not doing anything wrong as it never says anywhere in the documentation that mutable Documents cannot accept decimals.

I would hope that this would make it clear:

Note that that list does not include Decimal

@blake.meike This works for all the values except 0. I tried converting it to 0D, 0.0D, Convert.ToDouble(0). but it is always throwing an error for 0 value in mutable document. Any suggestions?

It throws the same error you originally stated for 0.0D?

Yes, it throws the same error for that as well.

I’ll need to see some proof on that one, because I wrote a simple test case that works fine:

using Couchbase.Lite;

using var db = new Database("foo");
using var mutableDoc = new MutableDocument();
decimal double2 = 0;
var dict =new Dictionary<string, object>()
    { "test", Convert.ToDouble(double2) }
