Merging results of two queries

I have sample results of two separate queries here:
Query 1:

    "id": "f95102e7-03aa-4719-b770-086f099e595c",
    "name": "Information Technology Company",
    "count1": 5

Query 2:

    "id": "b621635e-f334-43f1-a634-980f2b7e86c4",
    "name": "College & University",
    "count2": 1

I have to combine the results so that the final result will look like this:

    "id": "b621635e-f334-43f1-a634-980f2b7e86c4",
    "name": "College & University",
    "count1": 5,
    "count2": 1

So far I have tried to use UNION but the results still appear as separate documents. Using object_concat only displays one result, which is not suited for my requirements and seems to be inefficient since I need to get all at the same time. Is there any other approach I can use for this? Thanks.

Hello, Johanna.

Could you explain why object_concat() is not workable in your situation? It looks like the right solution.

SELECT q1.count1, q2.count2,,
LET q1 = ( SELECT RAW { projection } FORM …)[0],
q2 = (SELECT RAW {projection } FORM …)[0];

I have come up with the query below:

   (SELECT DISTINCT c._id AS id, AS name, b.count AS count1
    FROM bucket1 a
    UNNEST a.aggregates b
    LEFT JOIN bucket1 c
    ON KEYS "Industry|" || b.industry.`$ref`
    WHERE a._type = "Type1"
    AND a.`user`.`$ref` = "74de7616-698c-4b1c-923c-e554cb1a5b90"
    ORDER BY b.count DESC
    LIMIT 12)[0],
   (SELECT DISTINCT y.count AS count2
    FROM bucket1 z
    UNNEST z.aggregates y
    LEFT JOIN bucket1 x
    ON KEYS "Industry|" || y.industry.`$ref`
    WHERE z._type = "Type2"
    AND z.`user`.`$ref` = "74de7616-698c-4b1c-923c-e554cb1a5b90"
    AND y.industry.`$ref` IN (ARRAY_HERE))[0]

and it returns the following:

   "id": "b621635e-f334-43f1-a634-980f2b7e86c4",
   "name": "College & University",
   "count1": 5,
   "count2": 1

which is the desired format but it only returns one document. How do I get my query to do this for all entries?

I tried this as you suggested but it is also only returning one document at a time. I think may be missing something here…

My post is for query that returns one document. Each query returns different set of documents what is your Join criteria for combine them into single document.

Here’s how to run OBJECT_CONCAT on pairs of elements of arrays:

SELECT ARRAY OBJECT_CONCAT(v1, v2) FOR v1 IN [{“a”:1},{“a”: 2}, {“a”: 3}], v2 IN [{“b”:11}, {“b”:12}, {“b”:13}] END res

Can you extrapolate from that, Johanna?

“res”: [
“a”: 1,
“b”: 11
“a”: 2,
“b”: 12
“a”: 3,
“b”: 13

I was trying to run this query

SELECT q1, q2
LET q1 = ( SELECT META(response).id, response.assessmentId, response.respondedAt,response.respondedBy, response.assessmentVersion, assessment.assessmentName, response.finalScore, response.inflight, response.responses, response.actionItems, response.scores FROM secat-dev AS response JOIN secat-dev AS assessment ON KEYS response.assessmentId WHERE response.objectType = ‘response’ and response.inflight = false order by (select SUBSTR(date,6,4)||SUBSTR(date,2,4)||SUBSTR(date,0,2)|| ‘T’||SUBSTR(date,11,11)||’:’||SUBSTR(date,22,2) LET date=response.respondedAt) DESC offset 0 limit 10)
LET q2 = ( select count(*) from secat-dev where inflight = false);

To get the following result -

“q1”: [
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-d73e109f-ab34-47d7-8532-3e99da92c6c7”,
“assessmentName”: “Satish Ashwin”,
“assessmentVersion”: 1,
“finalScore”: 3,
“id”: “RESP-c08c8df0-d8be-426a-8151-ec8db7e33f65”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “12-02-2018 09:22:24+0530”,
“respondedBy”: “Datahub”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 2,
“finalScore”: 1,
“id”: “RESP-c63ad117-a307-4e9a-b184-ce0ed2e7add4”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “01-02-2018 16:55:01+0530”,
“respondedBy”: “autonomy”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 2,
“finalScore”: 1.1,
“id”: “RESP-9966cc66-ab5c-45db-82f3-50a9d7508b17”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “01-02-2018 16:01:30+0530”,
“respondedBy”: “TURBO”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 2,
“finalScore”: 1.9,
“id”: “RESP-b0eb77b1-feb7-482f-8bab-f647a9028028”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “24-01-2018 00:19:32+0000”,
“respondedBy”: “Configuration Management”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 1,
“finalScore”: 3.5,
“id”: “RESP-b24d1899-417c-48a1-a1ff-99a0851a5d43”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “22-01-2018 01:02:58+0000”,
“respondedBy”: “Kaveri”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 1,
“finalScore”: 2.1,
“id”: “RESP-efb8ea41-b453-4c57-8e02-6e7fccfea2d1”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “18-01-2018 23:37:01+0000”,
“respondedBy”: “CM”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 1,
“finalScore”: 4.8,
“id”: “RESP-87c8127a-1203-4328-a3fa-cf47be0bda50”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “16-01-2018 01:13:22+0000”,
“respondedBy”: “Skywalker”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 1,
“finalScore”: 2.4,
“id”: “RESP-7dcf0fae-6761-474b-8753-756bc28a5aa2”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “15-01-2018 04:54:54+0000”,
“respondedBy”: “Galaxy”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 1,
“finalScore”: 3.5,
“id”: “RESP-2f627921-44a6-435c-bbbf-49df844607e6”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “05-01-2018 07:42:44+0000”,
“respondedBy”: “TYConnectSingapore”
“assessmentId”: “ASMT-e2ce728d-ab36-4216-81a6-193f15278aaa”,
“assessmentName”: “Devops”,
“assessmentVersion”: 1,
“finalScore”: 1.8,
“id”: “RESP-4fc0fc7e-9079-469b-ba22-9d9c4464a4e1”,
“inflight”: false,
“respondedAt”: “03-01-2018 02:19:48+0000”,
“respondedBy”: “Golden Wattle”
“q2”: {
"$1": 77

But instead getting error in LET query -

“code”: 3000,
“msg”: “syntax error - at LET”,
“query_from_user”: “SELECT q1, q2\r\nLET q1 = ( SELECT META(response).id, response.assessmentId, response.respondedAt,response.respondedBy, response.assessmentVersion, assessment.assessmentName, response.finalScore, response.inflight, response.responses, response.actionItems, response.scores FROM secat-dev AS response JOIN secat-dev AS assessment ON KEYS response.assessmentId WHERE response.objectType = ‘response’ and response.inflight = false order by (select SUBSTR(date,6,4)||SUBSTR(date,2,4)||SUBSTR(date,0,2)|| ‘T’||SUBSTR(date,11,11)||’:’||SUBSTR(date,22,2) LET date=response.respondedAt) DESC offset 0 limit 10)\r\nLET q2 = select count(*) from secat-dev where inflight = false;”

I am not sure where i am going wrong. Can anyone help me out understand this ?

Got it correct by running this.

SELECT q1, q2
LET q1 = ( SELECT META(response).id, response.assessmentId, response.respondedAt,response.respondedBy, response.assessmentVersion, assessment.assessmentName, response.finalScore FROM secat-dev AS response JOIN secat-dev AS assessment ON KEYS response.assessmentId WHERE response.objectType = ‘response’ and response.inflight = false order by (select SUBSTR(date,6,4)||SUBSTR(date,2,4)||SUBSTR(date,0,2)|| ‘T’||SUBSTR(date,11,11)||’:’||SUBSTR(date,22,2) LET date=response.respondedAt) DESC offset 0 limit 10),
q2 = ( select count(*) from secat-dev where inflight = false );

Multiple LET keywords are not allowed.

one LET keyword with comma separated. Check the syntax diagram