Index is not being used when using a not equals where clause


I have created the following index:
create index delete_data ON data (_type, source) WHERE _type = "spr" AND source != "grr"
And I would like for it to be used with the following query:
select * from data WHERE _type = "spr" AND source != "grr"

But running an explain on this query shows that it still uses a full-bucket scan.

    "#operator": "Sequence",
    "~children": [
        "#operator": "PrimaryScan",
        "index": "data-full-bucket",
        "keyspace": "data",
        "namespace": "default",
        "using": "gsi"
        "#operator": "Parallel",
        "~child": {
          "#operator": "Sequence",
          "~children": [
              "#operator": "Fetch",
              "keyspace": "data",
              "namespace": "default"
              "#operator": "Filter",
              "condition": "(((`data`.`_type`) = \"spr\") and (not ((`data`.`source`) = \"grr\")))"
              "#operator": "InitialProject",
              "result_terms": [
                  "expr": "self",
                  "star": true
              "#operator": "FinalProject"

My indices seems to also not work if I am trying to use the following index:
create index delete_data ON data (_type, source, job_id) WHERE _type = "spr" AND source != "grr"
With the query:
select * from data WHERE _type = "spr" AND source != "grr" AND job_id NOT IN ["1","2","3","4"]
It will still use the full-bucket scan.

Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
Couchbase Version: Version: 4.1.0-5005 Community Edition (build-5005)
I have no option to use 4.5 at the moment.

Thank you very much for the help.

You should at least with 4.5.1. Those improvements have been made and it should use your indexes directly.

For 4,1, try the following query.

FROM data
WHERE _type = "spr" AND source < "grr"
FROM data
WHERE _type = "spr" AND source > "grr";

You should also create two separate indexes to match the two query WHERE clauses.