Index creation issue

Hi ,
I have a index issue in terms of copying data from one bucket to another bucket .

so i have deleted all indexes and restarted couchbase and trying to create back , But somehow index is not creating and im getting below issue . Can someone help on this please.

023-12-14T17:10:26.398+03:00 [Info] KVSender::sendMutationTopicRequest Projector Topic MAINT_STREAM_TOPIC_e40a077423bbf1f9581614e2700440c5 AuditLog
Instances [indexInstance:<instId:2853911660003111589 state:IndexPending definition:<defnID:585960456348076633 bucket:“AuditLog” isPrimary:false name:“idx_sched” using:forestdb exprType:N1QL secExpressions:“(distinct (array v for v in availableTo end))” partitionScheme:SINGLE partnExpression:“” whereExpression:“” > singlePartn:<endpoints:“” > > ]
2023-12-14T17:10:26.402+03:00 [Info] DATP[->dataport “:9105”] new connection “” +1
2023-12-14T17:10:26.752+03:00 [Error] DATP[->dataport “:9105”] worker “” exit: EOF
2023-12-14T17:10:26.752+03:00 [Error] DATP[->dataport “:9105”] remote “” closed
2023-12-14T17:10:26.752+03:00 [Info] DATP[->dataport “:9105”] connection “” closed !
2023-12-14T17:10:26.752+03:00 [Info] MutationStreamReader::handleStreamInfoMsg
Received ConnectionError from Client for Stream MAINT_STREAM map.
2023-12-14T17:10:26.752+03:00 [Info] TK ConnError MAINT_STREAM
2023-12-14T17:10:26.753+03:00 [Error] KVSender::sendMutationTopicRequest Projector Topic MAINT_STREAM_TOPIC_e40a077423bbf1f9581614e2700440c5 AuditLog
Unexpected Error Post EOF
2023-12-14T17:10:26.753+03:00 [Error] KVSender::openMutationStream MAINT_STREAM AuditLog Error Received Post EOF from
2023-12-14T17:10:27.047+03:00 [Info] Indexer::getCurrentKVTs Time Taken 673.047µs
2023-12-14T17:10:27.047+03:00 [Info] ClustMgr:handleStats &{92 false}
2023-12-14T17:10:27.753+03:00 [Error] KVSender::openMutationStream MAINT_STREAM AuditLog Error Received Post EOF
2023-12-14T17:10:27.753+03:00 [Error] Indexer::sendStreamUpdateForBuildIndex Stream MAINT_STREAM Bucket AuditLog Error from Projector Post EOF. Retrying.

Also i can index creation is taking very long time even the bucket had just 1000 documents , Even i have tried removing where clause in index also , it is taking very long time . Is it something restart effected to my indexer ?.

The public tickets in jira are searchable. Does anything here line up with your situation?

@lavakumar988, the EOF error is coming from the “projector” process EOF from

Can you share the projector.log or take a look if you see any errors/panic stacks there?

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