I am trying to install couchbase via pyenv in MAC OS but getting error as ERROR: Could not build wheels for couchbase, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects

Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated.

Hi @Sharo,

Have you followed the updated docs and have all the prereqs installed?

If you have all the prereqs and reqs installed and still see problems, can you try the following and provide the output?

python3 -m pip install couchbase --no-cache --force-reinstall --log ./couchbase_install.txt

There will be a lot of text in the output log file. To reduce the size, if you search for the text below, the content in the log file after that line is what is most useful.

Building wheels for collected packages:


I’m using pyenv version 3.9.4
macOS version 12.2.1
Re-installed CommandLineTools and xcode utility packages

Upgraded pip, setuptools & wheel as mentioned

Package Version

pip 22.0.4

setuptools 60.9.3

wheel 0.37.1

Still I’m getting error while pip install couchbase

Error description from Building wheels for collected packages: is attached

couchbase_install.txt.zip (29.7 KB)


I’m using pyenv version 3.9.4
macOS version 12.2.1
Re-installed CommandLineTools and xcode utility packages

Upgraded pip, setuptools & wheel as mentioned

Package Version

pip 22.0.4

setuptools 60.9.3

wheel 0.37.1

Still I’m getting error while pip install couchbase

Error description from Building wheels for collected packages: is attached

couchbase_install.txt.zip (29.7 KB)

Looks like cmake might not be installed. Can you try:

$ brew install cmake

Also install the command line developer tools

$ xcode-select --install

You might need to update to a more recent Xcode as well, but hopefully those two commands will get things working.

Is it required to install the Xcode app from App Store?

I have installed XCode from App: Store with

Xcode 13.2.1
Build version 13C100

Installed cmake via brew install cmake
Did sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

~ brew info pyenv

pyenv: stable 2.2.4-1 (bottled), HEAD

Python version management

GitHub - pyenv/pyenv: Simple Python version management

/usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/2.2.4-1 (859 files, 2.9MB) *

Poured from bottle on 2022-03-13 at 09:51:46

From: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/HEAD/Formula/pyenv.rb

License: MIT

==> Dependencies

Required: autoconf :heavy_check_mark: , openssl@1.1 :heavy_check_mark: , pkg-config :heavy_check_mark: , readline :heavy_check_mark:

==> Options


Install HEAD version

==> Analytics

install: 114,186 (30 days), 373,843 (90 days), 1,590,379 (365 days)

install-on-request: 113,075 (30 days), 369,035 (90 days), 1,562,496 (365 days)

build-error: 1 (30 days)

And still getting error to install couchbase

Btb i have both openssl@1.1 and openssl@3 in brew list

Hi @Sharo - are you using the command below to install? I think there can be permissions issues with the command line tools (depending on the system configuration) and that is why we suggest using sudo. If that is not working, can you send the build output again?

sudo -H python3 -m pip install couchbase

That really worked!

Thanks Jared Casey!