How to use index in couchbase ios

I am trying to add index into my database for faster searching. However, none of the document give specific example of how to apply and use index. I wonder if someone can provide me example in swift of how to apply nested index and search based on it.

Thank you very much

Can you clarify what you mean by nested indexes with an example ? Are you looking for array indexes - we don’t have that in 2.0

We have plenty of resources that discuss indexing in CBL 2.0.


My data may look like this:
([“chat_collection”: {
“0000865d-e2bc-4c82-a7b7-d9ee58b4736f” = {
“chat_id” = 5afe0a502575138403f0e34c;
from = 5925fa4c3380d30eeae6d066;
id = “0000865d-e2bc-4c82-a7b7-d9ee58b4736f”;
“is_image_group” = 0;
“is_local” = 0;
“self_liked” = 0;
state = 0;
text = uqlQR;
to = 5ae8e945c5f56b92bc6708f3;
ts = “2018-05-21T20:32:31.016000”;
type = T;
“0002e482-9079-4707-9585-a1bd35213c2b” = {
“chat_id” = 5afc62c9b68e324c213d419f;
from = 5ad11f02c5f56b40291990ee;
id = “0002e482-9079-4707-9585-a1bd35213c2b”;
“is_image_group” = 0;
“is_local” = 0;
“self_liked” = 0;
state = 0;
text = as;
to = 5ae8e945c5f56b92bc6708f3;
ts = “2018-05-21T20:32:32.494000”;
type = T;

I want to set index to message id and search by it. In this case, id are 0000865d-e2bc-4c82-a7b7-d9ee58b4736f and 0002e482-9079-4707-9585-a1bd35213c2b.

Thank you very much