How to optimize query (OrderedIntersectScan) to avoid Timeout?

What could we do to speed up the following query?
The problem is that it sporadically fails with a Timeout after 120 seconds. Sometimes it is really fast (1sec)

We are on CB 6.0 CE with a 6 node cluster. Indexes are distributed manually in the cluster, so that every node has some of the indexes.

select meta(`mybucket`).id from `mybucket` WHERE datastore_id = 'db1' AND ((parent_id = '' OR parent_id IS NULL) AND OBJECT_LENGTH(IFMISSINGORNULL(variantids,{})) > 0 ) AND ((parent_id = '' OR parent_id IS NULL) ) AND folder IN ['default','folder2','folder3'] AND processingstatus = 0 AND ((master_id = '' OR master_id IS NULL)) AND created_at BETWEEN '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND '2019-05-29 10:34:00.000' ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT 2147483647

  "plan": {
    "#operator": "Sequence",
    "~children": [
        "#operator": "Sequence",
        "~children": [
            "#operator": "OrderedIntersectScan",
            "scans": [
                "#operator": "IndexScan3",
                "index": "idx_created_at",
                "index_id": "b3b13ecd6d31bead",
                "index_order": [
                    "keypos": 0
                    "keypos": 1
                "index_projection": {
                  "primary_key": true
                "keyspace": "mybucket",
                "namespace": "default",
                "spans": [
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "\"2019-05-29 10:34:00.000\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"1970-01-01 00:00:00.000\""
                "using": "gsi"
                "#operator": "IndexScan3",
                "index": "idx_datastore",
                "index_id": "8be9bc8e4017ecf6",
                "index_projection": {
                  "primary_key": true
                "keyspace": "mybucket",
                "namespace": "default",
                "spans": [
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "\"default\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"default\""
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "\"folder2\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"folder2\""
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "\"folder3\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"folder3\""
                "using": "gsi"
                "#operator": "IndexScan3",
                "index": "idx_processingstatus",
                "index_id": "f8bea1cb86a2023f",
                "index_projection": {
                  "primary_key": true
                "keyspace": "mybucket",
                "namespace": "default",
                "spans": [
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "0",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "0"
                "using": "gsi"
                "#operator": "IndexScan3",
                "index": "idx_variantids_length2",
                "index_id": "67ffd3cb9a06dbfe",
                "index_projection": {
                  "primary_key": true
                "keyspace": "mybucket",
                "namespace": "default",
                "spans": [
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "\"\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"\""
                        "inclusion": 0,
                        "low": "0"
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "null",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "null"
                        "inclusion": 0,
                        "low": "0"
                "using": "gsi"
                "#operator": "IndexScan3",
                "index": "idx_childrenids_length2",
                "index_id": "d8c34a2d5084f2ec",
                "index_projection": {
                  "primary_key": true
                "keyspace": "mybucket",
                "namespace": "default",
                "spans": [
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "\"\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"\""
                    "exact": true,
                    "range": [
                        "high": "\"db1\"",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "\"db1\""
                        "high": "null",
                        "inclusion": 3,
                        "low": "null"
                "using": "gsi"
            "#operator": "Fetch",
            "keyspace": "mybucket",
            "namespace": "default"
            "#operator": "Parallel",
            "maxParallelism": 1,
            "~child": {
              "#operator": "Sequence",
              "~children": [
                  "#operator": "Filter",
                  "condition": "((((((((`mybucket`.`datastore_id`) = \"db1\") and ((((`mybucket`.`parent_id`) = \"\") or ((`mybucket`.`parent_id`) is null)) and (0 < object_length(ifmissingornull((`mybucket`.`variantids`), {}))))) and (((`mybucket`.`parent_id`) = \"\") or ((`mybucket`.`parent_id`) is null))) and ((`mybucket`.`folder`) in [\"default\", \"folder2\", \"folder3\"])) and ((`mybucket`.`processingstatus`) = 0)) and (((`mybucket`.`master_id`) = \"\") or ((`mybucket`.`master_id`) is null))) and ((`mybucket`.`created_at`) between \"1970-01-01 00:00:00.000\" and \"2019-05-29 10:34:00.000\"))"
                  "#operator": "InitialProject",
                  "result_terms": [
                      "expr": "(meta(`mybucket`).`id`)"
                  "#operator": "FinalProject"
        "#operator": "Limit",
        "expr": "2147483647"
  "text": "select meta(`mybucket`).id from `mybucket` WHERE datastore_id = 'db1' AND ((parent_id = '' OR parent_id IS NULL) AND OBJECT_LENGTH(IFMISSINGORNULL(variantids,{})) > 0 ) AND ((parent_id = '' OR parent_id IS NULL) ) AND folder IN ['default','folder2','folder3'] AND processingstatus = 0 AND ((master_id = '' OR master_id IS NULL)) AND created_at BETWEEN '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND '2019-05-29 10:34:00.000' ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT 2147483647"

Try creating this index:

create index idx_test4 on mybucket(datastore_id, processing_status, folder, created_at)
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CREATE INDEX ix1 ON mybucket(datastore_id, processing_status, created_at, folder, 
parent_id, master_id, OBJECT_LENGTH(IFMISSINGORNULL(variantids,{})));

Try above index. EXPLAIN and check there is nod operator at the end ( query must use index order).

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Thanks. we will try and report how it improved.