Hi guys, how can I get all the meta ID that has the key-value "aacain": "Anthony Acain"

Here is the sample doc.

  "bluetooth": false,
  "doctype": "mobileconfig",
  "sections": [
      "fields": [
          "alias": "Assigned To",
          "dropDownOptions": {
            "aacain": "Anthony Acain",
      "sectiontitle": "Service Order Information"


yes, you can use meta().id to get meta.id() and use where clause for field ''aacain"


CREATE INDEX ix1 ON default ( DISTINCT ARRAY (DISTINCT ARRAY f.dropDownOptions.aacain FOR f IN s.fields END) FOR s IN sections END ) WHERE doctype = "mobileconfig";
FROM default AS d
WHERE d.doctype = "mobileconfig"
AND ANY s IN d.sections SATISFIES (ANY f IN s.fields SATISFIES f.dropDownOptions.aacain = "Anothony  Acain" END) END;