Error when try to do backup

finally i succeed to make backup!!

If you choose password contains "!!’ then user in quotes : ’ and not "
Hopefully i will save you day with this tip :slight_smile:

Hi @roycouch, many apologies for delay in response. Looks like you have already found the solution. I have created a JIRA ticket to document those steps. Thank you!!

Thank you @atom_yang

Hi @anil thanks you for your response i finally found out my problem and also mention it.

I have similar problem while running from a script in a variable.
Error backing up cluster: Authentication error executing β€œGET http://aafprholdcdb003:8091/pools” check username and password

This works
/couchbase/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr backup --archive /couchbase_data/backup --repo Test_bucket -c couchbase://aafprholdcdb003 --username β€˜cbadmin’ --password β€˜cccccc23!@#’ --threads 4

This does not
CMD="${CBBACKUPMGR} backup --archive ${ARCHIVE} --repo ${REPO} -c couchbase://${HOST} --username β€˜${USERNAME}’ --password β€˜${PASSWORD}’ --threads ${THREADS}"

$CMD gives an error

But when run command manually it works.