[db023/SqLite error] - Replication errors

CBL: db023
SGW: 2.0 Beta2
CB: 5.5

Prob: Replication errors (SqLite) for bucket with 200000+, cannot open file at line xxxx
Situation: Sequential non-continuous push and pull replication of 9 buckets
Remarks: smaller buckets (1000-) seem to run fine.

Opened issue for this one: https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-net/issues/996

But I was hoping to get some input here. Does anyone else has this problem or can give a hint at the possible cause?

.036068| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): 
cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:01.037571| WARNING: SQLite error (code 
14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 

.825769| WARNING: 
SQLite error (code 14): 
cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
SQLite error (code 
os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 
Thread finished:  #6390
Thread finished:  #6392
Thread finished:  #6391
.872359| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:05.872869| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 
00:45:05.880681| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:05.881024| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 
00:45:05.884022| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:05.884356| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 
00:45:05.887380| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:05.887712| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 
00:45:05.890891| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:05.891212| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 
00:45:05.894602| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:05.894952| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 
.898199| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:05.898591| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 03-16 11:08:35.890 W/Adreno-EGLSUB(15994): <DequeueBuffer:700>: dequeue native buffer fail: Unknown error 2147483646, buffer=0x0, handle=0x0

03-16 11:08:35.890 W/Adreno-EGLSUB(15994): <DequeueBuffer:700>: dequeue native buffer fail: Invalid argument, buffer=0x0, handle=0x0
03-16 11:08:35.890 W/Adreno-EGL(15994): <qeglDrvAPI_eglSwapBuffers:3730>: EGL_BAD_SURFACE
00:45:05.902891| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): cannot open file at line 36229 of [1a584e4999]
00:45:05.903228| WARNING: SQLite error (code 14): os_unix.c:36229: (24) open(/data/data/com.Xxxxx.XxxxxXxxxx.XxxxxXxxxxandroid/files/item.cblite2/db.sqlite3) - 
03-16 11:08:35.890 W/HardwareRenderer(15994): EGL error: EGL_BAD_SURFACE
03-16 11:08:35.900 W/HardwareRenderer(15994): Mountain View, we've had a problem here. Switching back to software rendering.
03-16 11:08:35.920 D/qdgralloc(15994): Invalid gralloc handle (at 0x0): ver(-1/12) ints(-1/12) fds(-1/2)magic(????/gmsm)
03-16 11:08:35.920 W/GraphicBufferMapper(15994): lock(...) failed -22 (Invalid argument)
03-16 11:08:35.920 W/Surface (15994): failed locking buffer (handle = 0x0)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): Could not lock surface
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.Surface.nativeLockCanvas(Native Method)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.Surface.lockCanvas(Surface.java:254)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.ViewRootImpl.drawSoftware(ViewRootImpl.java:2431)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.ViewRootImpl.draw(ViewRootImpl.java:2405)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performDraw(ViewRootImpl.java:2249)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:1879)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:996)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:5608)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:761)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:574)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:544)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:747)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:733)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:136)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5095)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:515)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:786)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:602)
03-16 11:08:35.920 E/ViewRootImpl(15994): 	at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

SQLite error 14 is SQLITE_CANTOPEN, which is pretty generic … fortunately the errno value is hidden in the message: 14, EFAULT (“Bad address”). Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this errno before…

Something weird is going on. We’ve replicated databases with a million documents, so it’s not something to do with size.

Whoops, the errno is actually 24, EMFILE, “Too many open files”. Your process has opened too many file descriptors, for some reason. Fix: don’t open so many files :slight_smile:

Hi Jens,

thank you for your reply. But how do I do that? I can’t control how many files the replication opens no? I don’t perform any other actions while it completes this process…

Sorry, I was being a bit flip. I’ve since figured out this probably is CBL’s fault; I’ve checked in a commit today that limits the number of blobs being downloaded simultaneously, which should help.

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