Couchbase 2.5 Weird Log Error

I’m using Couchbase : 2.5.0-1059-rel , Single Node
Cluster Size : 52GB
Bucket Size : 52GB
Bucket Usage: 38%

And in somedays, it through some exceptions like this :

** Last message in was refresh_stats

** When Server state == {state,“pool5”,1409479234582,[]}

** Reason for termination ==

** {timeout,{gen_server,call,




=========================CRASH REPORT=========================


initial call: couch_stats_reader:init/1

pid: <0.6750.115>

registered_name: 'couch_stats_reader-pool5'

exception exit: {timeout,





  in function  gen_server:terminate/6

ancestors: ['single_bucket_sup-pool5',<0.20956.5>]

messages: [refresh_stats]

links: [<0.20957.5>,<0.293.0>]

dictionary: []

trap_exit: false

status: running

heap_size: 6765

stack_size: 24

reductions: 3866473856



=========================SUPERVISOR REPORT=========================

 Supervisor: {local,'single_bucket_sup-pool5'}

 Context:    child_terminated

 Reason:     {timeout,





 Offender:   [{pid,<0.6750.115>},






Can you explain what’s the problem with my Cluster. and how to fix it.
Thank you very much