Can't get autonomous operator 2.0.3 to work with kubernetes v1.18.12+k3s1

Initially, my post was marked as spam and hidden, so I had another 10-20 hours of trials, and got some things to work.
I’ve created a new post, where I narrow down my issue: Is it possible to access CB cluster on K8s with NodePort Service?
And also due to that 10-20 hours, I can’t edit or delete this post, so I’ll just sum up briefly where I am:

  1. CB Cluster is up and running.
  2. Admin UI is available and stable when accessed with via NodePort or LB port (port-forward is still struggling loading home page).
  3. Intra-k8s application (java SDK) can access cluster, read and write documents.

It is sufficient for ‘prod’ use cases, I guess.
Still I’d like to have access to the database from development machine (external to k8s cluster), for debugging and stuff.

I tried to expose CB Cluster with NodePort (Generic) Networking, but got the about same logs and issues.

So now I’d like to know if it’s even possible to use NodePort networking for this case or should I configure Public Networking with kubernetes-sigs/external-dns + some networking magic, and how exactly to do that?


I’ve just run sdk-doctor. In short, it did connect successfully, but with warnings.
Lets, please, move to the newer post, I’ll share full SKD-doctor output there.
(link to the newer post) Is it possible to access CB cluster on K8s with NodePort Service?