Bulk insert statement

Is there a performance difference between a bulk insert SQL++ statement and splitting it into several one-by-one (or parallel) insert statement executions?

In my use case I prefer the latter option and not to have multiple VALUES in the same statement, but I’m wondering if this would be as efficient as a single bulk statement.

The collection.insert() operations will be faster because (a).there is no parsing/execution, just the insert; and (b) the sdk will send each insert request directly to the node which will hold the document.

In my experiments with get() vs select, I’ve found the kv api (collection.get()) to be about 15x faster.

In my case we’re using DML statement, I know kv operations are faster, but that’s ok for now. So I was more comparing executing a cluster.query() multiple times (one-by-one or in parallel) vs a single call to cluster.query() with a bulk statement

So that would depend on the DML statements. Since you can easily do either, try it both ways and measure.

KV ops:

If can be done KV ops, use this first avoids 2 ops (client —> query service —> data service). One can do asynchronous, parallel and depends on client machine resources. Can be done via SDKs only. Need to aware document key.

Can be done via SDKs, curl, Workbench, cbq shell no custom programs
Can do processing (DMLs can handle without doc key (via index) Filters, Joins, aggregates etc)
If possible use prepare statements repeated execution (avoid repeated parsing/planning)

As far as DML bulk insert, one passing all values at once (client to query nodes). Query node is does looping to insert. Bulk insert you may not able to do prepare statement because each time values changes.

If you are doing one by one do the following, so that same prepare statements can be used any collection.

INSERT INTO $keyspace AS d VALUES($key, $val);
$keyspace = "`travel-sample`.`inventroy`.`airport`"
$key = "mydoc01"
$val  = {"c1": 10}

Thanks for the info.
So if I’m interested in inserting one by one (after aggregating say 100 records), and I want to prepare the statement only once (using adhoc in the sdk), can’t I use unnamed params and prepare the statement only once?
For example:


I mean what’s the trick you did in the insert statement that you suggest to ensure statement plan is executed only once, is it the “AS d”, or is it the named parameters?

postional parameters = [ "`travel-sample`.`inventroy`.`airport`", "mydoc01", {"c1": 10}]
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You’re going to have a statement with 200 parameters, that executes at least 15x slower (probably many times slower than that, because it has 100 inserts in it, and the 100 documents are sent sequentially) than using the kv api (it can send and execute the 100 kv insert operations concurrently). And if you have less than 100 docs to insert, you’ll need a separate statement for that.

Here’s is a Java SDK bulk-get example that a colleague made. (you would modify to make a bulk-insert).

 * Copyright 2024 Couchbase, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.couchbase.client.java.examples.kv;

import com.couchbase.client.java.Bucket;
import com.couchbase.client.java.Cluster;
import com.couchbase.client.java.Collection;
import com.couchbase.client.java.ReactiveCollection;
import com.couchbase.client.java.kv.GetResult;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono;
import reactor.core.scheduler.Scheduler;
import reactor.core.scheduler.Schedulers;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

public class BulkGetExample {
  public static void main(String... args) {
    Cluster cluster = Cluster.connect("", "Administrator", "password");
    Bucket bucket = cluster.bucket("travel-sample");
    Collection collection = bucket.defaultCollection();

    Map<String, SuccessOrFailure<GetResult>> documentIdToResult = bulkGet(
      Arrays.asList( // or "List.of" if you're not stuck on Java 8

    documentIdToResult.forEach((documentId, result) -> {
        if (result.success != null) {
          GetResult r = result.success;
          System.out.println("Got '" + documentId + "' --> " + r);
        } else {
          Throwable t = result.failure;
          System.out.println("Failed to get '" + documentId + "' --> " + t);

   * Holds the result of an operation, either a success or a failure.
   * <p>
   * This class is a bare-bones version of Scala's "Try"
   * or Kotlin's "Result". Maybe one day Java will have something
   * like this in the standard library. We can dream!
   * @param <T> the type for a successful value
  public static final class SuccessOrFailure<T> {
     * The successful result, or null if this is a failure.
    public final T success;

     * The failure, or null if this is a success.
    public final Throwable failure;

    public static <T> SuccessOrFailure<T> success(T value) {
      return new SuccessOrFailure<>(requireNonNull(value), null);

    public static <T> SuccessOrFailure<T> failure(Throwable t) {
      return new SuccessOrFailure<>(null, requireNonNull(t));

    private SuccessOrFailure(T success, Throwable failure) {
      this.success = success;
      this.failure = failure;

    public String toString() {
      return success != null
        ? "success(" + success + ")"
        : "failure(" + failure + ")";

   * Efficient bulk get.
   * @param collection The collection to get documents from.
   * @param documentIds The IDs of the documents to return.
   * @return a map (implementation unspecified)
   * where each given document ID is associated with the result of
   * getting the corresponding document from Couchbase.
  public static Map<String, SuccessOrFailure<GetResult>> bulkGet(
    ReactiveCollection collection,
    Iterable<String> documentIds
  ) {
    // Delegate to the advanced version, with sensible defaults.
    return bulkGet(
      (documentId, value) -> value

   * Efficient bulk get, with advanced options.
   * @param collection The collection to get documents from.
   * @param documentIds The IDs of the documents to return.
   * @param mapSupplier Factory for the returned map. Suggestion:
   * Pass {@code TreeMap::new} for sorted results,
   * or {@code HashMap::new} for unsorted.
   * @param concurrency Limits the number of Couchbases requests in flight
   * at the same time. Each invocation of this method has a separate quota.
   * Suggestion: Start with 256 and tune as desired.
   * @param mapValueTransformerScheduler The scheduler to use for converting
   * the result map values. Pass {@link Schedulers#immediate()}
   * to use the SDK's IO scheduler. Suggestion: If your value converter does IO,
   * pass {@link Schedulers#boundedElastic()}.
   * @param mapValueTransformer A function that takes a document ID and a result,
   * and returns the value to associated with that ID in the returned map.
   * @param <V> The return map's value type.
   * @param <M> The type of the map you'd like to store the results in.
   * @return a Map (implementation determined by {@code mapSupplier})
   * where each given document ID is associated with the result of
   * getting the corresponding document from Couchbase.
  public static <V, M extends Map<String, V>> Map<String, V> bulkGet(
    ReactiveCollection collection,
    Iterable<String> documentIds,
    int concurrency,
    Supplier<M> mapSupplier,
    Scheduler mapValueTransformerScheduler,
    BiFunction<String, SuccessOrFailure<GetResult>, V> mapValueTransformer
  ) {
    return Flux.fromIterable(documentIds)
        // The `zip` operator associates things into a tuple;
        // in this case, a 2-tuple, commonly known as a "pair".
        // Here the first element of the tuple is a document ID.
        // The second element is the result of getting the document
        // with that ID.
        // Using a tuple lets us remember the association between
        // documentId + result as they flow through the reactive chain.
        documentId -> Mono.zip(
            // Wrap the GetResult in a successful SuccessOrFailure
            // Similarly, wrap the error in a failed SuccessOrFailure.
            // Logging is potentially IO; better to do it later
            // on a different scheduler.
            .onErrorResume(t -> Mono.just(SuccessOrFailure.failure(t)))

      // Now we've got a flux of 2-tuples (pairs) where the
      // first element is the document ID, and the
      // second element is a `SuccessOrFailure` holding either
      // a GetResult (success) or a Throwable (failure).
      // Next, collect the tuples into a map.
      // Each tuple becomes one map entry.
      // Switch to the caller's scheduler before applying
      // the caller's value transformer.
        (map, idAndResult) -> {
          String documentId = idAndResult.getT1();
          SuccessOrFailure<GetResult> successOrFailure = idAndResult.getT2();
          map.put(documentId, mapValueTransformer.apply(documentId, successOrFailure));

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