Build warning on using a async version of IBucket.Scope

I’m following the DI example for bucket connection and everything works fine but I get this nagging warning when using Bucket.Scope method to set the scope in the bucket from my VS builds.

    Severity	Code	Description	

Warning CS0618 ‘IBucket.Scope(string)’ is obsolete: ‘Use asynchronous equivalent instead.’
Warning CS0618 ‘IScope.Collection(string)’ is obsolete: ‘Use asynchronous equivalent instead.’

Is there an error in the intellisense, or the build stream, or does there really exists an asynchronous version for setting the scope of a bucket? Or is there some other way I need to use to set a bucket’s scope?

@elbilo -

You can ignore those warnings; there is ScopeAsync and CollectionAsync that were added. Note that the obsolete attribute was removed from both the async and non-async versions of those methods in 3.1.5 - if you upgrade the SDK version the warnings will be removed.
