Bucket Name from Eventing service

Hi Team,
we have create a eventing function between source-data to target-data bucket and we have alias setup as source-data → source and target-data - >target.
we are updating the target document expiry based on some field, for that we have a eventing function below,

var stmt = "UPDATE target-data USE KEYS “”+docId+
“” SET meta().expiration = " + Math.floor(expiryTime/1000);
In this case we are hardcoding the bucket name, is there a way we can get the bucket alias name here?
var stmt = "UPDATE "+**target**+" USE KEYS “”+docId+
“” SET meta().expiration = " + Math.floor(expiryTime/1000);

I tried this option and it doesn’t work for me. I am in 6.6.0 CB version.

Hi @nagarajan_subbaraj

Bucket bindings or aliases can only be used with Basic Bucket Accessors i.e.

In other words you can manipulate KV directly via an exposed JavaScript MAP my alias below is ‘dest’

function OnUpdate(doc, meta) {
  // Assuming 'dest' is a bucket alias binding
  var val = dest[meta.id];         // this is a bucket GET operation.
  dest[meta.id] = {"status":3};    // this is a bucket SET operation.
  delete dest[meta.id];            // this is a bucket DEL operation.

However you can not use a Bucket binding alias in a N1QL statement whether inline or via the N1QL() function.

There is currently no way to get the true bucket name from a bucket binding alias, please contact your sales team and have a CBSE (enhancement request) logged -or- contact me via a DM with the name and details of your company.


Jon Strabala
Principal Product Manager - Server‌