After upgrade from C# SDK 3.0.7 to 3.1.0 All GetAsync("Some-Key") throwing error: Specified argument was out of the range of valid values

I was getting the same error when I was using the LegacyTranscoder option and then saw the post LegacyTranscoder changed from version 3.0.7 to 3.1.0

Then I deleted the option part and just did a get without options but still getting same error.

Would the Loading... fix in 3.1.1 fix this issue?

I am first creating a new document and then I get it right away so should be using the same transcoder through?

I am not testing with a pre-existing document, but generating one on the fly during the connection testing process.

CouchBaseClient.Upsert<ConnectionTestData>("ConnectionSetup",$"Main-Bucket-ConnectionSetUp-{testData.ID}", testData);

 CouchBaseClient.GetDocument<ConnectionTestData>("ConnectionSetup", $"Main-Bucket-ConnectionSetUp-{testData.ID}");

So should be using the same transcoder.

When I updated the NuGet package and then clean solution and rebuild and run then got error, did not change any code before.

Then I saw in form post could be related to the LegacyTranscoder so then I removed that option and still getting the exact same error through.

Was using the LegacyTranscoder only as a work around for a previous issue: