Tcl Interface to Couchbase Servers

A TCL extension package that provides an interface to Couchbase servers is available at:

The package tclcb is designed to deliver connectivity and appropriate commands for accessing network connected Couchbase servers. This extension is available for Linux based systems and runs with TCL 8.6 versions of the TCL application development environment.

The repository contains pre-built packages for .deb and .rpm package managers and contains builds for i386,x86_64 and armhf (Raspberry Pi)
systems. This extension package requires the installation of the libcouchbase C language shared libraries.

The current extension package implements the Version 0 command set.

Simple rapidly built GUI based applications using this extension can be developed using the TclFltk extension also found on the sourceforge site.

Note: I do not do Windows or anything related to Microsoft these days. Source packages are available on the site for those that still feel that Microsoft is the platform of choice.

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