Error: failed to start container "pillowfight"

Hi all,

I’m just familiarizing myself with the new CouchBase K8s operator, and following along the instructions as per

I managed to successfully deploy the Operator and a CouchBase instance. However, I am having trouble with the sample “pillowfight” configuration for populating meaningful data.

When I roll out the pillowfight-data-loader.yaml, my containers fail as follows (pod describe output):

> Events:
>   Type     Reason     Age   From                                           Message
>   ----     ------     ----  ----                                           -------
>   Normal   Scheduled  15m   default-scheduler                              Successfully assigned default/pillowfight-cnt5z to 91920344-b3a7-4979-a100-c156db235b6d
>   Normal   Pulled     15m   kubelet, 91920344-b3a7-4979-a100-c156db235b6d  Container image "sequoiatools/pillowfight:v5.0.1" already present on machine
>   Normal   Created    15m   kubelet, 91920344-b3a7-4979-a100-c156db235b6d  Created container
>   Warning  Failed     15m   kubelet, 91920344-b3a7-4979-a100-c156db235b6d  Error: failed to start container "pillowfight": Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused "chdir to cwd (\"/root/libcouchbase/build/bin\") set in config.json failed: permission denied": unknown

Can anyone provide some guidance on how to address this issue?

Hi @cormachogan,

Did you follow the steps mentioned here Loading Data with Pillowfight to load the data?

Once you create - kubectl create -f pillowfight-data-loader.yaml you need to run

cbc-pillowfight -U couchbase://localhost/default -u Administrator -P password -J -t 4 -I 9999 -p hostname


Hi Anil,

Yes - this is embedded in the YAML, as shown here:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: pillowfight
      name: pillowfight
      - name: pillowfight
        image: sequoiatools/pillowfight:v5.0.1
        command: ["cbc-pillowfight",
                  "-U", "couchbase://cb-example-0000.cb-example.default.svc/default?select_bucket=true",
                  "-I", "10000", "-B", "1000", "-c", "10", "-t", "1", "-P", "password"]
      restartPolicy: Never

The error…

failed to start container “pillowfight”: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:348: starting container process caused “chdir to cwd (”/root/libcouchbase/build/bin") set in config.json failed: permission denied": unknown

… is thrown by the containers as they try to run the command.

PS - this is the pillowfight YAML file included with the Couchbase operator

OK - I think I solved it.

Instead of using the default sequoiatools/pillowfight:v5.0.1 image that shipped with the operator, I followed the instructions from here: and noticed that it was using a different image

Now pillowfight populates the db as expected. Not sure if there is an issue with the original sequoatools image or not.

@cormachogan, Perfect good to hear you were able to get pillowfight working. Yes, I would recommend using couchbaseutils/pillowfight:v2.9.3 image. I will check with our QE folks who built sequoiatools/pillowfight:v5.0.1 image.


Anil Kumar

Hi @anil – I also had the same problem. The yaml that ships with the operator package specifies the wrong image. I was able to fix that by the workaround listed above. However, even though I ran the job and it created 10,000 sample documents, something seems wrong with the documents?

See attached pic. Are these supposed to be all binary documents?

That’s right, pillowfight only loads binary documents. In the future only the couchbaseutils container will be used. But for now I’ve updated the sequoiatools image to work as well.