Aggregation function with join operation

Please post the both the documents. Json fields are case sensitive, It is hard to see what real field name.

INSERT INTO encounters VALUES (UUID(), {"patient": "p02234", "reasondescription":"COVID-19"});
INSERT INTO encounters VALUES (UUID(), {"patient": "p01234", "reasondescription":"COVID-19"});
INSERT INTO patients VALUES (UUID(), {"id": "p01234", "gender":"male"});
INSERT INTO patients VALUES (UUID(), {"id": "p02234", "gender":"female"});

CREATE INDEX ix1 ON encounters(reasondescription, patient);
CREATE INDEX ix2 ON patients(id, gender);

SELECT  p.gender, COUNT(1) AS count
FROM encounters AS e
JOIN patients AS p ON = e.patient
WHERE e.reasondescription = "COVID-19"
GROUP BY p.gender;