Tag: nosql security

Secure DB Credentials with HashiCorp Vault & Capella

Secure DB Credentials with HashiCorp Vault & Capella

In today’s data-driven world, secure database credential management is a paramount concern for organizations of all sizes. As we strive to empower you with cutting-edge solutions, we are thrilled to announce the release of our HashiCorp Vault plugin for Capella...

Istvan Orban January 5, 2024
Couchbase Capella Expands Security: Broadening SSO and Compliance Capabilities

Couchbase Capella Expands Security: Broadening SSO and Compliance Capabilities

In today’s digital landscape, where data breaches and security threats are a constant concern, the role of databases in safeguarding sensitive information has never been more crucial. Building upon its commitment to robust security measures, Couchbase Capella™ has further enhanced...

Couchbase vs. MongoDB: NoSQL Misconceptions Part 3

Couchbase vs. MongoDB: NoSQL Misconceptions Part 3

Misconceptions about NoSQL have been around as long as NoSQL itself. It’s always good to get different perspectives, and so this blog series continues. I’ll be discussing NoSQL misconceptions, specifically when it comes to two of the top document database...

Matthew Groves July 12, 2022