Tag: eventing

Couchbase Eventing: Small Scripts That Solve Big Problems

Couchbase Eventing: Small Scripts That Solve Big Problems

Eventing Simple Yet Powerful: Eventing allows small scripts to overcome hard to solve problems. If you are familiar with both Couchbase and Eventing please feel free to skip the brief overview and skip ahead to the examples. Overview: First off, let’s...

Implementing a Scheduler Via Couchbase Eventing (Part 1)

Implementing a Scheduler Via Couchbase Eventing (Part 1)

This is the first of a multi-part series to leverage the Couchbase Eventing Service to run multiple scheduled tasks at specific recurring intervals in a cron like fashion completely inside the database without requiring additional infrastructure via a single general-purpose...

Eventing Service Improvements in Couchbase Server 6.5

Eventing Service Improvements in Couchbase Server 6.5

Couchbase Eventing Service provides a framework for writing your own functions to process data change events (create, update, delete/expiry). Couchbase Server 6.5 introduces a set of important improvements to the Eventing Service that enable a lot of new use cases...

Using cURL with the Eventing Service: Update

Using cURL with the Eventing Service: Update

CURL is a utility function that has been available as a Developer Preview feature in Couchbase Eventing Functions. It has been in developer preview and was not recommended for production. We are listening to feedback to improve usability, and we...

May 1, 2019
Real Time User Deduplication with Couchbase Eventing

Real Time User Deduplication with Couchbase Eventing

User deduplication is an important activity for anyone managing a corpus of user related data. In some cases you may end up with multiple versions of the same user in your database. This can happen for any number of reasons:...

January 21, 2019
Eventing Service Best Practices

Eventing Service Best Practices

Couchbase Eventing Service was introduced in Couchbase Data Platform 5.5 release.  Couchbase Data Platform 6.0 release saw the introduction of Timers. Similar to the Indexing Best Practices that we had published earlier, let’s look at some best practices when it comes to...

Using N1QL with Couchbase Eventing Functions.

Using N1QL with Couchbase Eventing Functions.

Now, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. — Winston Churchill Updating data is usually not the end, but usually a progress of a...

October 20, 2018
Announcing Couchbase Server 6.0 Beta

Announcing Couchbase Server 6.0 Beta

The innovation engine at Couchbase is in full swing and we’ve made significant updates in the 6.0 beta to the Analytics, Eventing, and Full-Text Search services. Couchbase Analytics Service is now officially in beta – it’s been 2 years since...

Timers in Couchbase Functions

Timers in Couchbase Functions

We are pleased to announce the support of Timers in Couchbase 6.0 Beta release. This is the an important innovation in Couchbase Functions that enables asynchronous compute in reference to wall-clock events. Timers are constructs by which developers can specify...

Eventing: Notification with Couchbase Functions

Eventing: Notification with Couchbase Functions

Important note: This blog post contains information about a developer preview CURL function in Eventing. The CURL function will be changing in Couchbase Server 6.5, please see Using cURL with the Eventing Service: Update for more details. Eventing is a...

August 6, 2018
The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Eventing/Functions

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Eventing/Functions

This post will dive into the use of the Couchbase Eventing Service in the Couchbase Silicon Valley 2017 technical keynote demonstration application. If you aren’t already familiar with the demo or Couchbase Eventing Service, take a look at the resources...

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Step-by-Step Setup

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Step-by-Step Setup

Note: This post uses the the Couchbase Analytics Data Definition Language as of the version 5.5 preview release.  For updates and information on breaking changes in newer versions, please refer to Changes to the Couchbase Analytics Service. The application built for...