Tag: cross datacenter

Intro to Couchbase HA/DR: Java Multi-Cluster Aware Client

Intro to Couchbase HA/DR: Java Multi-Cluster Aware Client

In this post, I’m going to take a look at a sample application that uses the Couchbase Server Multi-Cluster Aware (MCA) Java client. This client goes hand-in-hand with Couchbase’s Cross-Data Center Replication (XDCR) capabilities. XDCR supports flexible replication of data...

Use XDCR to Replicate NoSQL Data between Couchbase Docker Containers: Video Tutorial

Use XDCR to Replicate NoSQL Data between Couchbase Docker Containers: Video Tutorial

A few weeks ago I had written an article outlining the steps for using cross datacenter replication (XDCR) in Couchbase. This article described everything from cluster setup to replicating NoSQL documents that exist in one cluster to another cluster. In...